San Lee mangaka Nantes France

Hello everybody! My name is San Lee, I have been a manga drawer since I was a kid.

It’s been a while since I wanted to pick up my personal projects again, in addition to my fanzine, No-Xice©. Recent changes in my life allowed me to draw a little more for myself, and for everyone in fact. My Social lethaL project has been in my head for several years, and I had never taken the time to put it on paper.

In the long term, I plan to work on several series at the same time. Social lethaL first, and then, in parallel, I will try to offer you a more “serious” story.

You can also support me by participating on my Patreon.

WARNING! Let it be clear: my productions are free on my website and on social networks! It’s just that they will appear faster for patrons!

In any case, I hope you will enjoy my work! Do not hesitate to leave comments at the bottom of the pages that you like!